E-Safety Guidance: Young Persons

The internet is great for communicating, but you have to be careful when you go online – follow these simple pointers and stay safe!

Social Networking

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  • Make Sure your social network profiles are set to private or friend only
  • Make sure you know how to block someone on the social networking site you are using. If necessary also how to report them
  • When uploading photos of yourself and friends make sure your friends are happy for you to do so


  • Do NOT communicate with people on social networking sites or the Internet if you do not know them
  • Never upload photos or send comments to others which maybe hurtful
  • Don’t criticise club officials, coaches, volunteers or other members on social networking sites or by text message services
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  • Take the time to look at thinkuknow.co.uk which has help and guidance on staying safe online from the Child Protection and Online Protection Centre (CEOP)
  • If you are worried tell your parents / carers or a responsible adult. You can also report concerns at ceop.police.uk
  • Remember that any comments, photos or video clips you upload to the Internet maybe there forever even if you have deleted them. They may be viewed by people you may not think can see them or people you meet in the future.


  • Do NOT give out any personal information like your address, phone number or location to any website.
  • Do NOT meet up with anyone you have only met or spoken to online
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Useful Contacts, Information & links

Club Welfare Officers – Julie Errington, Vaugen Godber, Katy Cleathero

Young People & Social Networking Sites Guide – http://www.childnet.com

Child Exploitation and Online Protection centre – http://www.ceop.police.uk

Think u Know, advice site for young people and parents – http://www.thinkuknow.co.uk

NSPCC – Childline 0800 1111 – http://www.nspcc.org.uk

Child Protection in Sport Unit – http://www.nspcc.org.uk/inform/cpsu/cpsu_wda57648.html