Thank you to the NHS and key workers from the Hawks
As we are on our doorsteps showing our appreciation for all the key workers and NHS staff here is a video made by the Hawks to show our appreciation to all those on the front line. I would like to thank all those who participated in the video and remember stay home, stay safe everyoneContinue reading “Thank you to the NHS and key workers from the Hawks”

2019 Notice of Annual General Meeting
Hetton Hawks Cycling Club hereby gives notice that the 2019 Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 19th October 2019 commencing at 10:30 at Hetton Lyons Country Park. ATTENDEES The AGM is open to all Hetton Hawks Club Members, Parents / Guardians of Club Members and Club Officials. VOTING Full members (or parental representative)Continue reading “2019 Notice of Annual General Meeting”
We’re Go Ride Racing
Saturday 25th May We are holding a Go Ride MTB event, this is suitable for all riders and age groups as long as they have a MTB or CX bike. We will also still have a road session running for those that don’t have either or don’t fancy MTB. We will need volunteers to assistContinue reading “We’re Go Ride Racing”

Coaching: Saturday 30th March 2019
After a fantastic weekend at the Berwick training camp we’re back at Hetton this weekend. Weather is looking good so hopefully we’re clear of icy conditions but please remember your layers. Better to take layers off if you get warm than not have any when it is cold! There will be road coaching on theContinue reading “Coaching: Saturday 30th March 2019”

Coaching Cancelled: 23rd March 2019
It is our annual Berwick Training camp this weekend so many of our coaches and riders will be riding the roads in the borders with the other riders from Johnson Jets. Coaching will return to Hetton on 30th March.
2019/20 Membership Renewal
Hetton Hawks membership renewals are now due. Membership runs from 1st April to 31st March the following year. A lapsed member is any member who has not paid their annual membership subscription, due on the 1st April each year, by the 31st April. To renew please click here and choose “Buy Club Membership” or selectContinue reading “2019/20 Membership Renewal”
Coaching Saturday 16th March
We will have road and MTB sessions running this week with all groups using the track. The older groups will be using the full circuit and the youngest group will be using the link road at the far end of the lake. The older groups will be concentrating on group riding with the second halfContinue reading “Coaching Saturday 16th March”
Coaching: Saturday 9th March
Coaching returns to the circuit this Saturday. Weather is looking dry but a little breezy. Remember your layers! MTB Coaching as normal Look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday morning.
Coaching Saturday 2nd March
We will be running MTB and ROAD sessions for the older groups with a session based on group riding on the track as we did last week. If you don’t have a road bike your CX bike will be fine. The MTB group will be using the woods as usual. The youngest group will beContinue reading “Coaching Saturday 2nd March”
Coaching: Saturday 23rd February
We’re back at Hetton Lyons Park this Saturday. Off-road coaching continues with a seperate group for the Mountain Bikers. Older riders will have being doing a split coaching session which will include Group Riding skills around the circuit. Younger riders will have a coaching session followed by a skills challange Mountain Bikers will have skillsContinue reading “Coaching: Saturday 23rd February”