Membership Terms & Conditions

Updated: 1st October 2021

In joining up as a Hetton Hawks both members and their parents / guardians are agreeing to the following:

  1. You understand that you will be kept informed of club activities through Spond & Official Club social media channels. 
  2. You understand that in the event of an injury or illness all responsible steps will be taken to contact a Club Welfare Officer (CWO) and to deal with that injury / illness appropriately.  The club are required to report incidents during an organised event to British Cycling. 
  3. Any participants who persistently misbehave or put others in danger will be asked to leave the session and may not be allowed to attend future sessions. 
  4. A cycling helmet must be worn at all times when on a bike. 
  5. It is your responsibility to ensure that your bike is in a safe condition to ride. 
  6. Parents / guardians of children 10 years & younger are required to stay at the location of the coached session.  We actively encourage all parents to stay for coached sessions but acknowledge that children between the age of 10 & 16 can attend without a parent staying as long the Coach / CWO is aware. Members 16 and over can attend without Parent or Guardian. 
  7. Children are expected to remain in the session from beginning to end, unless they are being collected or their parent / guardian have informed the coach that they may leave earlier. 
  8. Club kit can only be worn if you are a paying member of the Club. 
  9. Unless a CWO is notified we will assume that you are happy that the club takes photographs / video footage during Hetton Hawks CC training session / events. These images could be used in coaching resources, placed on the club’s website, social media or for general purposes associated with Hetton Hawks CC.  
  10. You will inform the CWO of any medical conditions (asthma, allergies, epilepsy etc) or difficulties (vision, hearing, attention, concentration, behaviour etc) you or your child has regardless of whether this is likely to affect them during coached sessions or not. 
  11. It may be helpful to the club if either you or your child considers themselves to have a disability (The disability discrimination act 1995 defines a disabled person as anyone with a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities’)  

Parental Contract

As a parent or guardian of a Hetton Hawks member you agree to abide by the parental contract below.

  1. As a parent or guardian of a Hetton Hawks member you agree to abide by the parental contract below. 
  2. Encourage your child to learn the rules and participate within them. 
  3. Discourage unfair play and arguing with officials. 
  4. Help your child to recognise good performance, not just results. 
  5. Never force your child to take part in sport. 
  6. Set a good example by recognising fair play and applauding the good performances of all. 
  7. Never punish or belittle a child for losing or making mistakes. 
  8. Publicly accept officials’ judgments. 
  9. Support your child’s involvement and help them to enjoy their sport. 
  10. Use correct and proper language at all times. 
  11. Follow the clubs disciplinary / complaint procedures if you wish to formalise a problem. 
  12. Follow E-Safety Guidelines. Club Guidelines can be found:
    1. Adult: 
    2. Young Person: 

The club is a British Cycling affiliated club and follow safeguarding policeis and guidleines they set out. All of the club’s Welfare Officers and Coaches are trained British Cycling Coaches and have regular safeguarding and protecting children and first aid training. They have been checked and cleared through the Disclosure & Baring Service. Any information provided about your child will be kept confidential and secure. For further information, please visit

For information on Club Governance please read the Governance page.