As you know we are having a split location session this week with road & MTB at Hetton and an introduction to track cycling at Prissick velodrome.
Hetton details are the normal 09:45 sign-on and 10:00 start with a 12:00 finish and normal £2.
Coaches so far at Hetton are Dave, Tony H, Paul, Rebecca and Matthew.
Prissick details are 09:45 arrive and sign on with group selection and bike allocation ready for 10:00am on the track.
The limitation at Prissick are that they only have Small, Medium, Large bikes so we have said 10 and over for the first time to make sure we have bikes that fit.
If your young rider is tall then drop me a PM and we can see whether they will be OK.
We have Prissick for 3 hours and the club is subsidising the cost so that it is only £4 per rider.
At Prissick you will need.
1. Your normal cycling gear with helmet
2. Your normal shoes
3. Your normal pedals
4. Whatever spanner or allen key you use to remove the pedals
5. Your pump
6. A spare tube
7. A drink and a snack
8. Suntan cream as the weather forecast is HOT !!
Coaches at Prissick are Kirstie and Mike C with help from expert riders.
As always, any questions just shout.